Sissy Spacek

Sissy’s career is admirable, and it’s one that spans many decades. She transformed from a singer-songwriter into an actress, and she won an Oscar due to the role she played as Lynn Loretta in Coal Miner’s Daughter. As the years go by, Sissy has been able to make her life private and secluded from the general public (sticking to a Home Security System). Also, her scandal-free lifestyle and stable marriage have made her exclusive and imitable. She makes use of many sunblocks to keep her face glowing and freaky, and she always likes taking a long stroll with her husband, dog and eating a vegetarian diet. We find it very difficult to believe that a star and actress like Sissy exist who is alcohol-abuse and rehab free. Who knows maybe she’s practicing a unique method of Money Management. You can watch Sissy out on the series Castle Rock and Bloodline.