Unreal Celebrities Weight-Loss Transformations

Miranda Lambert – 25 Pounds

Country music singer Miranda Lambert is one of Blake Shelton’s ex-wives. In 2016, she released her sixth album, The Weight of These Wings. This was when she decided to shed a few pounds. While Lambert was offered a promotion deal by a weight loss company to try their 40-pound diet plan, she turned it down saying she wasn’t intending on losing that much weight – after all, she was only a size 8.

For Lambert, her decision was as much about getting into a healthier routine as it was about losing weight. She turned her dislike of vegetables around and started enjoying them. She also gave up on fad diets that never seemed to work and took up exercise – although she hadn’t been keen on it earlier, she began enjoying it and even took up circuit trainer with the help of a trainer. She’s probably got health insurance policy, but with her healthier approach to life, she’s probably not going to need it!

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